2020 July

3.17.1 29 July 2020

New Import Options, Improvements

New Import Options

1. Task Todo Update

To update the Task Todo in bulk follow the below steps

  1. Visit Todo List page and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  2. Click on the Download Template button. This will export all your data in a .csv file.
  3. Make the necessary changes.
  4. Visit Data Import page and select Task Todo Update option and follow the usual data import procedure.


  1. Kindly do not make any changes in the taskno, tasktodono column.

2. Service Update

To update the Services in bulk follow the below steps

  1. Visit Service List page and click on the excel icon present in the top right side of the page.
  2. Make the necessary changes.
  3. Visit Data Import page and select Service Update option and follow the usual data import procedure.


  1. Kindly do not make any changes in the serviceno column.

3. Sub Task Create

To create sub task in bulk

  1. Visit the Data Import page and select the Sub Task Create option from the drop down.
  2. Click on the Download Template button.
  3. Fill the details and follow the usual data import feature


  1. Added help in Category Config page.
  2. Improved UI for todo template items list in Todo Template View page.
  3. SubTask count can now be seen in calendar based on subtask target date.
  4. In Dashboard -> Service Card now you can see count of subtask that exists for a goingG or stuckS service-based or one-time task.
  5. The Daily Dashboard now has a Task Label card that displays the count of goingG or stuckS tasks based on each label.
    More info on Labels
  6. Team Member filter in Dashboard -> Calendar Card.
    You can select only one team member from the dropdown and click on the ☁️ icon.
    In case if the user highest permission of report filter is My or My Team, and if they select a user that does not belong to their team, then the details shown in the calendar would have those tasks, reminders, hearing, and subtask in which both the user and the selected team member is present.

3.17.0 26 July 2020

Jamku Support, Better Data Capture (Category Config, Todo Config, Custom Field Unique)

New Jamku Support

Visit Jamku Support page for quicker response on your doubts/queries.
More info on getting support

New Category Config

Visit Office Config -> Category Config page. Here you can make certian fields mandatory.
Example: In case of partnership firm, if you use Profit Center to allocate work to partner, now you can make profit center as mandatory field. This will ensure that all tasks always has this field.

New Don't allow Task to be completed if Todo is pending

A new setting is added which allows you to control if Task can be completed if there exist Todo which is not completed.
Go to Office Configuration > Office Config Tab.


  1. Option to make Task Fields value uniq. For this Visit Service view -> Fields Tab, click on edit icon and make the Non Unique field active.
  2. In Task View -> File Upload tab, if a task is service based then total number of file uploaded at service level is shown in the card title. Also on clicking on it gets redirected to the service's File Upload tab.
  3. Added help page link icons in Hearing List, Daily Dashboard, Office Config, Task Costing, Task Planning.
  4. Added Send By column in Email Report.
  5. Added a new column -- Client ID in Task Costing page.
  6. Task Todo data import template has a new column to soecify Team Member to whom you want to assign the todo.
  7. Dashboard -> Calendarcard now has count of Going and Stuck tasks based on Target Date.
  8. Added Excel export option in Service View -> Todo Tab and Todo Template List
  9. Improved UI in Daily dashboard, Task Stage Dashboard, Main Dashboard

3.16.11 20 July 2020

Improvements, Bug Fixes


  1. Added help in permission tab in Team view page.
  2. While adding compliance in Service View -> Compliance tab the default date was shown has 2000-01-01 which has now been changed to the starting date of previous year.

Bug Fixes

  1. The services in compliance dashboard is now shown in order of serviceid
  2. Fixed clientno2 error issue while updating client master details.

3.16.10 18 July 2020



  1. Select all option in subtask list.
  2. Todo delete button is now shifted inside todoedit dialog box
  3. Minor UI improvements

3.16.9 17 July 2020

Improvements, Bug Fixes


  1. Added client - category, profit center and cost center filter in compliance dashboard.
  2. Added category filter in shortcut list in Task View and Client View page. The filter only appears if category have been added to any of the shortcuts.
  3. Added help section in Api Key page.
  4. Better Task Status update experience. When you change task status, the color indicates the changed status.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issue which occurred while completing todo, when the permission of Todo Completion was set to self for any user.

3.16.8 14 July 2020

File Preview, Bulk Profile deletion, Reminder team


Now user can view the following files in Jamku without downloading. Simply click on "Binoculors" icon in File List.

  1. Word
  2. Excel
  3. Powerpoint
  4. PDF
  5. Images


  1. Profile can be deleted in bulk by selecting the profiles from the Profile List page and clicking on the Profile Delete button
  2. While creating a reminder, the one who is creating the reminder their name gets selected by default in add team member dropdown.

Small changes

  1. Added icons for Group view page tabs.
  2. Added help docs in Service View -> Subtask tab.
  3. Better user experience for adding Sub Task Template to a Service.

3.16.7 10 July 2020

Better Task Update through excel import


  1. In task costing page, link has been added to client name, task name and group name.
  2. While editing task using the Import feature, service id, compliance id, compliance year and compliance period can also be updated.
  3. Minor UI improvements.

3.16.6 09 July 2020

New Permissions Task Label and Others Todo Completion, Additional Office config field, New Imports, Improvements, Bug Fixes

New Task Label permission

Labels can only be added/edited/deleted based on the permission set in the Task Label permission.

New Others Todo Completion

If a team member have been assigned to a todo. And if some other person is trying to mark the todo as completed, then it must have the Others Todo Completion permission set to Yes.

New Import Client Profile Edit

Steps to be taken are as follows:

  1. Export your profile from the Profile List by selecting the table view and clicking on Download template button present in the bottom of the page.
  2. Make the required changes.
  3. Visit Data import Page, select Client Profile Edit from the drop down and follow the usual data import procedure.


  1. Kindly do not make any changes in the profileid column.
  2. The mobile nos have been appended with an apostrophe "'" at the beginning. Kindly remove the apostrophe while importing or ignore it and make the changes only in the mobile no.

New Import Service todo

Steps to be taken are as follows:

  1. Visit Data import Page, select Service Todo from the drop down.
  2. Fill the details and follow the regular data import procedures.


  1. Now you can assign multiple team members while creating reminders.
  2. Delete multiple subtask from Subtask list page.
  3. Now you can verify multiple task in bulk from Task list page.
  4. Client View page compliance tab now has both option to add the client compliances for a single service as well as multiple service.
  5. Search has been implemented to filter services in +Bulk dialog box in Client View -> Compliance tab.
  6. In Daily Dashboard -> Team Time Sheet card, the total work done is now calucalted as per actual time dedicated to work. For ex: 1:30 means that the user has worked for 1 hr and 30 min.
  7. Added refresh key shortcut [F5] at most of the pages where list is shown ex: Client List, Group List, Task List, etc.
  8. Minor UI improvements.

Bug Fixes

  1. Task period was not shown in Task Planning page, this issue is fixed.
  2. Minor bug fixes

3.16.5 04 July 2020

SubTask at service level, Compliance Edit in bulk, Improvements, Bug Fixes

New Subtask at service level

Now you can add Subtask template at service level. So whenever a new task is created for that servive, all the subtask of that template and todos of each subtask will be added to the task at the time of task creation.

New Compliance Edit bulk

Now you can update your compliances start date and end date in bulk using the import feature. To do this select Compliance Edit from the dropdown present in the Import page.
Steps to be taken are as follows:

  1. Export your compliances from the Service view -> Compliance tab and click on the excel button.
  2. Make the required changes.
  3. Visit Data import Page, select Compliance Edit from the drop down and follow the usual data import procedure.


  1. Kindly make changes only in the following columns startdate, enddate.

New Attendance Past day config.

Past attendance can only be marked to a number of days as set in Attendance Past days in Office Config.


  1. Now you can export all client's team and service's team from Client List and Service List page respectively.
  2. An icon is added to a stage list in Task view -> Dashboard tab which will remind one of whether the stages are to be completed in a chronological manner or not.
  3. Help section has been added to Task view -> Fields and Work Done tab.
  4. Get details of your office licensing from the Office config -> Licensing tab.
  5. Minor UI improvements.

Bug Fixes

  1. Minor bug fixes.
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