2022 January

3.27.2 30 January 2022

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. github.com/madrecha/jamku/milestone/52open in new window

New Notes History

Now we store history of Task Description, Client Notes, Group Note. We will only store the last 10 lastest changes. To view the history you can click on History button below the respective note section. #752open in new window.

New Multiple Task Billing

Now you can create bill for multiple tasks at a time. To do this visit Task List.

  1. Select the tasks you want to create bill for.

  2. Click on the Create Bill button and a dialog box will appear.

  3. You will only be able to create the bills if you met the following conditions.

    1. All the selected tasks must have the expected cost more than 0.00.
    2. All the selected tasks must be billable.
    3. None of the selected tasks must be already billed.
  4. Once the above conditions are met then fill the entity details along with bill date

  5. Now there is an option to group the tasks according to client or group.

  6. Click on the save button to create the bill. #907open in new window.

New Work Done Report Permission

We have bought a new permission to view work done report. This permission can be seen in the Report filter section of the Permissions tab. #917open in new window.


  1. Added report filter in Work -> Task List card. And by default the logged in user is been selected in the staff list drop down. #916open in new window.
  2. Added todos count based on target date in Home -> Calendar and Home -> Task Target Date cards #909open in new window.
  3. Added Target Date, Completed Date, Completed By columns in Todo List page #908open in new window.
  4. Added intime and outtime columns in Insert/Update Attendance import template. #924open in new window.
  5. Added GST Rate field at entity level. By default the gst rate is set to 18.00 %.

Bug Fixes

  1. Now when a task is billed from Bill View page. Then in the Task View -> Billing Tab task billing date get's updated to the bill's date in which that task is billed. #925open in new window.
  2. Now files are now sorted in descending order in all Files Upload tab. #918open in new window.
  3. The unique client id check while creating clients through import has been fixed. #923open in new window.

3.27.1 22 January 2022

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. github.com/madrecha/jamku/milestone/51open in new window

New Shortcut Delete Import

Now you can delete your shortcut in bulk using the import feature. To do this select Shortcut Delete from the dropdown present in the Import page and click on the Download Template button. This will export all the shortcuts. Do not make any changes in the template. Just filter out the shortcuts you want to delete and follow the regular import procedure
Note: Do not make changes in any column. #841open in new window.

New Group Id

Now you can store your own Group id for all groups. This feature is similar to Client id's for clients. #774open in new window.

We have added another field entity name which is without any formatting. #368open in new window.


  1. Added list of Holidays on our Support Page. This days Jamku Team members will not be available for support. #898open in new window.
  2. You can now see a bell icon on the Home page bulletin section. On click it will redirect you to the task history page. By default you'll see a blue bell icon. If the duration between you visiting the task history page and the current time is more than 3 hrs, the bell icon will become red. This is a notification to check the task history page for any changes done by your team members in their respective tasks. #901open in new window.
  3. A new billing config at service level. You can now mention whether a service based task is billable or not at service level. For this, while creating or updating the service, you'll see a Is Billable field. If it is set to No then all the tasks created for that service will have the Is billable field set to no by default and vice versa. #905open in new window.
  4. The Work Done Suggestions page has been renamed to Work page.
  5. In Serive list and Service view page. Users who have Money permission to Yes, can see the estimated cost of every service. #904open in new window.
  6. Better UI for Today planning in Work page. Also now you can add the wordone for respective tasks from this page. #903open in new window. #902open in new window.
  7. Jamku V2 is being deprecated. Hence removed the V2 link from the app. #899open in new window.
  8. How to send Email using SMTP in Jamku?open in new window

3.27.0 02 January 2022

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. github.com/madrecha/jamku/milestone/50open in new window

New Attendance Report Filter Permission.

Instead of default Report Filter , attendance analytics and attendance list uses new Permission Attendance Report Filter. The existing value of Report Filter permission is copied over to Attendance Report Filter permission.
To set the Permission visit Team View -> Permission tab -> Report Filter section.

New Daily Task Planning module

Taking an inspiration from Microsoft Todo, we have designed a new task planning module. The idea is to plan only today's work items(aka Task). This is currently in beta hence, instead of creating a new page we have incorporated this module in work done suggestion page. Based on further feed back we shall improve this feature and move it to a suitable location.

  1. Visit Work Done Suggestion page. Select the client from from the first card of the page. It will display all the Going and Completed(as of today) tasks.
  2. Select team member from the card title. You'll then see an Add Plan button beside each task. Click on it to add the task to Today's plan.
  3. Scroll below to the next card Today's Plan. Select the team members for which you want to see the plan.
  4. You'll then see a list of tasks under the selected team members name. You can also shuffle the task by dragging it up and down for a specific user.

New Email using SMTP

  1. Instead of default noreply-OFFICEID@jamku.app now you can send email from your own email id using the smtp config.
  2. To add your own SMTP config visit Office Config -> Email -> SMTP config tab. Fill all the fields and click on update.
  3. If the SMTP config is not set all the mails will be sent using this default email id noreply-OFFICEID@jamku.app.
  4. Follow the usual procedure to send mail.

New Secret Notes

Now you can add secret custom notes in task and subtask. To do this click on the Is Secret check box while adding notes. This note will be visible to users who have Secret note permission and can view that specific task or subtask.
The idea is to allow managers to add notes which are visible to other managers/partners.
The Secret note permission can be configured in the Team View -> Permission tab -> Related to task section.


  1. The note can be mark as secret only while creating. Once created the secret note flag cannot be reverted.
  2. For those who have the permission to view secret notes, the notes will be seen as a normal custom note with an mask icon.
  3. For those who do not have the permission, the secret note content will appear as ******* to them.
  4. By default all the users have got the No permission for secret note. Users with admin permission can change the permission as required.
  5. In case if the secret notes is created unintentionally, then it can be deleted by the user who created it within 24 hrs of creation. Else Delete permission is required to delete the note after the 24 hrs time period.

Now you can upload billing related files. To do this set the Is Only Money switch to true(green color). Once the files are uploaded it will only be seen by those who have Money Permission.


  1. View the details of global client search index. Visit Client View -> Edit tab. Click on the See Index Details button. #878open in new window.
  2. Now you can update todos category, group and target date in bulk by selecting the todos from Todo List and clicking on Update Todo button. #879open in new window.
  3. You can filter tasks on Task Stage Dashboard wrt to task status. Now the summary card also shows count of total tasks which has previous stage completed. #877open in new window.
  4. Option to allow your client to see the details of stage in client portal for which the isclientvis(Is client visible) flag is on. The isclientvis flag for the stages can be set at service level. To set the flag visit Service list -> Service View -> Stage tab, then click on the edit(Pen icon) button and choose the option from Is Client Visible field and click on Update to save the changes. #784open in new window.
  5. Clicking on Notification now should redirect to the Task/Subtask View Page. #797open in new window.
  6. Now we also capture changes of Todo wrt to target date and assigned team member. You can see the history of todo by going to the edit dialog box of todo click on history tab. #759open in new window.
  7. Option to upload files which will be only seen by those who have money permission. #852open in new window.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix the bug of bill number not accepting more than 16 characters while adding/updating bill.
  2. Fix the issue of Bill/Receipt prefix character limit issue.
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