2021 March

3.22.4 31 March 2021

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. github/jamku/milestone/17open in new window


  1. Added Pencil (Edit) button in FolderList in tabular format.
  2. Currently while using copy team member feature, It copies all the team members from previous period. Added option where only specific members get copied instead of all the members on TaskList.
  3. Added Pencil (Edit) button in PasswordList in tabular format.
  4. Added ServiceCategory, TaskCategory, PCenter, CCenter on HearingList.
  5. Power Query Table for ShortcutLists.
  6. Dense ReminderCard and dense Remindersearch panel in ReminderList.
  7. Better Report Filter on Attendance Page.By default it's "Auto".

3.22.3 26 March 2021

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. github/jamku/milestone/20open in new window

New Expense List

Manage all your office expenses from Expense list.

New More features added to Client Portal (v2.0.0)

Document List in Client Portal. This is divided into three sections All, Requested, Received.

  1. All -> All the documents related to that client or its task can be seen here. The Data that can be seen here is Document Name,Request Date, Inward Date.
  2. Requested -> Here the clients can see those documents which are requested. Along with this the client can add a submit remark and click on Submit, to notify the office that the respective document has been sent to the office. In case if the client wish to undo its action it can click on the Unsubmit button provided the action is been done by whom it was submitted and also the document is not accepted(inward) by the office yet.
  3. Received -> Here the client can see the list of documents which are yet to be received by the client from office(i.e pending outward)


  1. Now you can get detail of the total number of hours spent on both unbilled and partially billed tasks, in Client View -> Dashboardtab under Bill Pending card.
  2. Move Folder from one Client to another by clicking on +Advanced button while editing Folder details. Just enter the Clientno in which you want to move the folder and click on Move.
  3. Now Team member filter is available on Dashboard -> Reminder card.
  4. Added Teams tab in Team View page. Here you can see the listing of Clients and Services in which the respective team member has been added by default.
  5. Added Is client visible option in Fields master i.e while creating/updating fields at service level. If this is set to yes, the fields value in the respective task will be seen by your clients once they login to the Client portalopen in new window
  6. Now you can add details about client Outstanding Amount and Outstanding date in Client View -> Edit tab.
  7. Sharpened many pages for Mobile view like Daily Dashboard, Master View pages, etc. Although some pages are remaining, we'll keep on fixing them in the coming updates to serve you a fully functional mobile app.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed the bug in the Attendance while marking attendance before 5.30 am.
  2. Fixed the bug of Search functionality in BillSearch.
  3. Fixed Category import issue.

3.22.2 22 March 2021

Non Compliance Calendar (Beta)

When creating bulk tasks for recurring services, we often need to think about

  • "WHEN" these tasks needs to be created?
  • What is the due date of these tasks? Now we have answer for these questions. We are introducing a new Beta Feature of "Non Compliance Calendar".

As with any of the beta features, we will first be trying out this feature with few offices. Once we get thier feedback and have imporved the feature, it will be removed from "beta" and covered in our training program.


  1. Now make your passwords visible to your clients based on password type. Just make the visiblity Yes and No at password type level. Note: All the passwords created after this will be pickup the client visibility from "Type" while creating password.
  2. The Task list (Card View) has undergone a complete overhaul. We hope you love this new UI for the Cards.
  3. The Team Dashboard has a refreshing new look. Do check it out.

Minor Fixes

  1. The select dropdown has a new icon, making the UI more consistent.
  2. Better Mobile view of Task List

3.22.1 20 March 2021

Bug Fixes

  1. The task were being filtered to Going and Stuck status while routing from ciient view. This has been fixed in this update.s
  2. Minor Fixes

3.22.0 17 March 2021

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. github/jamku/milestone/15open in new window

New Expense Module

An expense in accounting is the money spent, or costs incurred, by a business, which you can record under the expense module at task level. Any additional cost borne by the team, it can be put under the expense and the senior can approve the mentioned amount. Expenses can also be billed while raising the bills for that client.


  1. Activate the Expense module from officeConfirguration->setting->Expense.
  2. From Team->persmission set Expense Admin and Expense as "Yes"
  3. From the ExpenseModule which is at task level, one can record all the additional expenses under it.
  4. Person having ExpenseAdmin rights can approve the amount and even can bill that amount under BilledExpenses while generating the invoice/bill in BillEdit.
  5. Once the ExpenseAdmin updates the status as Paid in Expense module, no one can make any changes thereafter to that expense.


  1. To add/update all expenses records you need ExpensesPermission as Yes.
  2. And if you want to approve all expenses records then you need Expense Admin permission as Yes.
  3. Add expenses categories from office configuration page.


  1. Collapsing cards in BillView in BilledTask and UnbilledTask.
  2. Added prefix icon in all filterable data tables BilledTask and UnbilledTask.
  3. Edit button in PersonalDetails card in Team Dashboard.
  4. In total attendance on Team Dashboard" you can view attendence now in ascending order, showing the recent ones at the top. reverse sort of year and month in Team Dashboard.
  5. Removed leave from card title in TeamDashboard->UserCalender because now we are showing full day activities like Total Workdone Hours, Present,Absent, and Daily Dashboard status. Added Color Legend for the better understanding purpose.
  6. Added cards like Client, Task, Reminder, Todo to navigate from TeamView to respective list.
  7. Hide add/delete labels and Add/Remove TaskTeamMembers in TaskList on mobile.

Bug fixes

  1. Line no is not mandatory in BillLine add modal it will auto_increment the line number.
  2. While marking outtime in Attendance check parameter error the bug is fixed now.

3.21.0 13 March 2021

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. github/jamku/milestone/13open in new window

New Integration Data Paths More info

  • Billing Entity

New Geo Based Attendance

The most awaited feature Location Based Attendance is here. Mark your attendance from anywhere your location will be Capture in the software .

  1. Need HR permission to mark the Location Based Attendance.
  2. If you want to upload the snapshot of your location then click on Select Image To Upload.
  3. Mark your intime/outtime by selecting Category.

New Bulk OutTime

Facility to bulk update OutTime on Attendance page.

New Import Bill Line Update

Facility to bulk update Bill Lines through excel Import.

  1. Visit Data Import page
  2. Select Update Bill Line option, and follow the usual data import procedure.


  1. Better look of Reminder Edit in ReminderList.
  2. If the Reminder Due Date is in the past then it will display in the red color in Reminder List.
  3. New look of Attendance page by separating the PendingList, PresentList and AbsentList column and added hide/show button.
  4. Updated the packages for better performance.
  5. Now HSN / SAC in BillPrint will come even if GST is not applicable on entity.
  6. Now you can create a Bill even if no task is added to Bill in BillPrint module.

Bug fixes

#407open in new window

  1. The amount in Billinglines and in UnBilled or Billed table, are coming from task costing rather than service standard costing.

3.20.3 11 March 2021

We went back to the drawing board and combed through each page to identify scope for performance improvement. This update has tons and tons of small changes in the UI because of small performance tweaks. Because of the huge number of changes, there may be some pages which don't render correctly on the mobile app. Be rest assured, these will be fixed in coming updates.


  1. Added hearing count based on reminder date in calendar on Home Page.
  2. We have made some changes in user interface w.r.t to font style, size and spaces. Overall we have minimized the code to make app a little faster and perform better.
  3. Previously in order to view the data in tabular mode one has to toggle it off from the top now it has been replaced with the icon.
  4. Bill description field size increased from 50 characters to 500 characters. The field now also supports adding emoji / smiley.
  5. Support for IPV6. jamku.app and v3.jamku.app are now IPV6 Compatible. This will further improve the response time of the software.

Bug fixes

  1. Some minor bug fixes
  2. Fixed irritating misalignments of the input fields.
  3. Todo Completion permission now works as expected

3.20.2 5 March 2021

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. github/jamku/milestone/12open in new window

New Integration Data Paths More info

  • Document
  • Bill Lines
  • Bill
  • Bill Line Print

New Import Task Labels

Facility to bulk Add/Delete Task Labels through excel Import.

  1. Visit Data Import page
  2. Select Add/Delete task Label option, and follow the usual data import procedure.


  1. Now Admin Actions, Change Date, Change Period, Category update all this are merge into single dialog box i.e Update task. The permissions required to perform the above actions are same as before. The reason was to merge dialog box with small functions and free space to bring new features in coming updates.
  2. File upload at Client Group Level. #397open in new window
  3. Added Statistics and Personal Details of user on TeamView -> DashboardTab#335open in new window
  4. Data Import for Client Tags now allows to add or remove Tags to Client in bulk through Excel. #396open in new window
  5. Better Client Search UI. #421open in new window
  6. Now you can see te total count of tasks status change from unbilled to billed in Daily Dashboard -> Task Status Change card. #405open in new window
  7. Now Billing Lines can be generated without empty brackets if a service does not have year and period #411open in new window
  8. Filterable Team List in Dashboard -> Service Card. #420open in new window
  9. Now only Money users can View Client's Billing Location list. To view the Bill Locations set as yes to Money permission. Also for adding bill location the user needs to have both Master and Money permission #419open in new window
  10. Added BillNo in TaskCosting Report to track where a task has been billed in Billing Module. #413open in new window
  11. Added Keyboard shortcut for Global Client Search Ctrl + G. #418open in new window

Bug fixes

  1. Now you can see profile of only active clients in Profile List. #406open in new window
  2. Fixed compliance add/update bug, which allowed end date to be before start date. Also now you can add another compliance with a periodicity same as that of any inactive compliance instead of changing the start date and end date of the inactive compliances.
  3. Solved the issue of client categories been assigned to group categories automatically.
  4. Fixed the issue of description which showed incorrect value in receipt list in Group View -> Money tab.
  5. On completion of any todo, the completion time showed incorrect from now values. This has been fixed now
    (From now values ex: '3 minutes ago', '10 seconds ago', '1 hour ago')
  6. The issue of todo permissions to authorize users for marking a todo as complete is also fixed.
Last Updated: 6/24/2021, 4:40:39 AM