2020 April

3.13.3 27 Apr 2020

Imrovements, Bug fixes


  1. Added Sidebar to table in task, client, field dashboard, stage dashboard report.
  2. Better layout for reminder edit dialog box.
  3. Added table cell coloring to show task status in task list, stage and field dashboard
  4. Added link to clientno and groupno in Fields Dashboard report to directly view client and group.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed numbering bug for client, group and task.

3.13.2 25 Apr 2020

Bulk Task edit, Task costing edit, Improvements, Bug Fixes.

New Import Feature

Added Task Edit Import Feature Added Task Costing Edit Import Feature


  1. New functionality to edit Task name and client visibility option in Task edit tab. Note: Only users with admin permission can update the task created date.
  2. Report filter in Field Dashboard
  3. Added Category filter in Client list page.
  4. Report filter in team page and option to export it to excel.
  5. Added link to team view page on click of team members name in My Team and Team in which I'm added inside team dashboard.
  6. Added hearing option in delete logs.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed date field bug while import of dates value
  2. Fixed prop bug in client contact list dialog in client list page.

3.13.1 23 Apr 2020

Api key module, Is Sub Task Active field in office config.

New Api Key module.

Build your own Api keys which acts as a unique identifier and can be used to send and receive data. Currently in this version of software you can only retrieve attendace data using the api key.

New Is Sub Task Active option in Office Config.

You can select your option in office config for 'Is Sub Task Active' to look at information of all and pending sub task or create a subtask or route to sub task page from "Task > Dashboard Tab"

3.13.0 21 Apr 2020

Subtask Module,Login Logs and Delete logs report, Improvements, Bug Fixes

New Subtask Module

Now you can create subtask for your task and also generate your own sub task status.

New Login logs report.

Monitor your staff's login activity from our login logs page and access information of when and where the staff had logged into the software using login logs from the “Office Config > Master tab". Users with admin permission can access this information.

New Delete logs report.

Get deleted "Client Group / Client / Task / Work Done" data report using delete logs page from “Office Config > Master tab". Users with admin permission can access this information.


  1. Added button to export data in workdone and attendance report.
  2. Added pending subtask count in "Task view > Dashbaord Tab".
  3. Minor Css Fixes.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed loader bug in attendance analytics report.
  2. Fixed data issue in Daily dashboard Time Sheet.

3.12.4 20 Apr 2020

Improvements and Bug Fixes


  1. Consistent card title in add/edit dialog boxes for tabs in the service view page.
  2. Compliances are listed sequentially while adding compliance in the compliance tab and in the compliance tab in the client view page.
  3. Now you can add/remove multiple team member to as task and the dialog box remains open until you click on the close button.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed bug while updating and deleting todo.
  2. Workdone tab table duplicate columns bug solved.

3.12.3 17 Apr 2020

Daily Dashboard time line feature, New Permission for Todo, Improvements, Bug Fixes

New Time Line feature.

Daily Dashboard has a time line feature to track the work done by team members. This is only available if Detailed Work Done value is set to yes in Office Config and workdone is captured wth start time and end time. We however reommend not to enable this option as this increases the time required in entering Work Done.

New Permissions for todo

  1. Todo Create - To allow users to create todos.
  2. Todo Complete - To allow users to mark todo as complete.


  1. Now you can copy clients emails and use it on your own tool to send email as your wish, by selecting the clients from the client list and clicking on Send Email. The dialog bix will provide you an option to copy the client e-mails.

Bug Fixes

  1. Task Costing report bug solved while calculation total hrs and total cost.

3.12.2 14 Apr 2020

Description in Todo at sevice level, Improvements, Bug Fixes

Now you can add description for todo at service level.


  1. Imroved UI for mobile view of client view page.
  2. Option to download Todo List in excel.
  3. Added count of going task, stuck task, pending reminder, todos, hearings in group view
  4. Group dashboard now shows all clients profile list belonging to that particular group.
  5. Main Dashboard calendar now shows all count of hearing in a month.
  6. Pivot option in Task Costing report.
  7. Added created and updated info in group edit tab.
  8. Added work month, and cost column in work done analytics report.
  9. Colored cell of stage report in Stage dashboard for showing status of task.
  10. Workdone tab in task view now shows from and to time value if Detailed work done value is set to yes in office config.
  11. Task list page now shows high priority task with yellow gradient in card view.

Bug Fixes

  1. Task Name is now shown for each task planning cards.
  2. Fixed bug while showing created and updated info in client edit tab.
  3. Form is reset after todo is added/updated at service level.
  4. Fixed Main dashboard Task Target Date count issue.

3.12.1 12 Apr 2020

Client tag import,Half Yearly Option for compliances, Improvement, Bug Fixes

New Client Tag import

Import option for client tag.

New Half Yearly option in compliance.

Now you cann add half yearly compliances.


  1. Added category filter in todo list page.
  2. Get Count of pending hearing till date from client dashboard
  3. Improved import template for password and profile.
  4. Now get work done analytics according to month.
  5. Shown sort no and category in todo template items list.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed count showing items for each todo in todo template list.
  2. Fixed bug for work done percentage value shown in daily dashbaord time sheet.

3.12.0 09 Apr 2020

Hearing Module, Improvement, Bug Fixes

New Hearing Module

Manage all your task hearings from our hearing module.


  1. Added group and task year, period details in task costing report.
  2. New functionality to edit Task created date in Task edit tab. Note: Only users with admin permission can update the task created date.
  3. Export all your client password to excel from the password list.
  4. Custom task notes can now be edited from the task dashboard based on the following conditions
    1. The note can only be edited by those who created it
    2. Users can edit notes within 24 hrs after creation.
  5. Updated todo delete permission. They are as follows,
    1. The todo can only be deleted by those who created it
    2. Users can delete the todo within 24 hrs of creation. If the user try deletes todo after 24 hrs of creation, admin permission is required.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed reminder delete bug.
  2. Fixed css issue in Billing tab of task.
  3. In daily dashboard only incomplete priority reminders are shown.

3.11.2 04 Apr 2020

Daily Dashboard, Service Team, Office Config Master's Tab, Email environment Setup, Todo Template, Improvement, Bug fixes

New Daily Dashboard

Manage your daily work from the daily dashboard.

New Service Team

Now you can add team at service level.

New Office Config Master's Tab

Manage all your master's setup(Category, Attendance category, Label, Email, Todo Template) from one place in Office Config page.

New Email Environment Setup

Now you can add email templates. Users can add their own eamils by visiting their profile section from the menu provided in the header.

New Todo Template

Set your own todo templates to be added after task creation.


  1. Added groupno, groupname, category, profit center, cost center info in task costing page.
  2. Update option to mark stages in stage master tab.
  3. Added user profile option in header menu.
  4. Option to add all the todo's created by selecting specific template in task dashboard tab.
  5. CSS fixes.

Bug Fixes

  1. Not allowing task to delete if task contains any todo or shortcuts.
Last Updated: