2023 August

3.31.0 27 August 2023

New Attendance Page Redesign

We're excited to introduce a fresh new look for the Attendance page, enhancing your user experience and making it even more intuitive. With this update, managing attendance becomes easier and more efficient than ever before.

Comment and Remark Functionality for Attendance

We've added powerful new features to the Attendance page to give you greater control over your records. Now, you have the ability to add comments and remarks to attendance entries, allowing for clearer communication and context regarding attendance-related actions.

  • Remark Feature

    • Users with the appropriate permissions can now add remarks to attendance entries. This is particularly useful for those who have the authority to make changes to attendance records for all users.
  • Comment Feature

    • All users can now add comments to their individual attendance entries. This feature encourages open and transparent communication, enabling users to provide explanations or notes regarding their attendance.


  1. Flexible Hearing Date

    • When creating a hearing, you now have the flexibility to leave the hearing date field empty. This enhancement streamlines the hearing creation process, accommodating situations where the exact date is yet to be confirmed.
  2. Todo Card on Client View Dashboard Tab

    • To further improve task management, we've introduced a Todo card within the Client View Dashboard tab.

3.30.12 01 August 2023


  1. User Update Import -> We've added a new feature that allows you to update user details in bulk on the import page.
  2. We've added Client Category, Profit Center and Cost Center to the Field Dashboard, allowing you to filter your data by these fields.
  3. We've made some changes to the Group/Client Money tab, allowing you to sort your bills and receipts by date of record and record number by default.
  4. We've added a status bar to the Field Dashboard table, allowing you to see the total number of rows in the table.
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