2021 April

3.23.2 24 April 2021

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. https://github.com/madrecha/jamku/milestone/21open in new window

New Inbox List.

Manage all your files in inbox from one page. In the next update you can move the files from this particular page itself.


  1. Added Hearing card in Cient Dashboard and Group Dashboard
  2. Added task teams in Task Costing report
  3. Minor user interface improvements
  4. Now you can select options in main navigation to be shown as per your(individual) choice.
  5. Improved performance of compliance dashboard, if in case the values are not seen in dashboard, just press CTRL+SHIFT+R to get the latest updated version.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed bug in File list in File Upload tab which showed icon to move files from file list to inbox list even though that file is not uploaded by client.

3.23.1 19 April 2021

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixes taskname issue by adding extra validation while creating a single task.
  2. Now if the file is moved from inbox to file list and then deleted, the respective file also get's deleted from the inbox.

3.23.0 18 April 2021

File Upload in Client Portal, Imrovements, Bug Fixes

New File Upload Client Portal

  1. The most awaited module on ClientPortal is finally here.
  2. Upload digital files on a client portal. This will act as a anytime anywhere access to files as well as additional backup of client files.
  3. File can be uploaded at Task and Client Level.
  4. The files which uploaded from the client portal it will display in jamku Inbox list while viewing any task, client or subtask.
  5. For the movement of files from Inbox to Files click on the icon present in the actions column in Inbox List.
  6. Once You Moved files from Inbox to Files then you can't edit Is client visible field.
  7. Only within 24 hrs file can be moved from file to inbox.
  8. In case if the client has uploaded file in one task/client and you've moved file from inbox into another client/task. The client will not know where is the file moved. It's upto you to notify the client where the file has being moved.


  1. By default current day date is shown in complete date field while changing task status in bulk.
  2. From now on attendance on deletion gets logged. So you can see them in Delete logs page.
  3. Expected Cost column in bill view is now optional while viewing.
  4. Now you can also change the expected cost in Billed task card just by clicking on the cost.
  5. Cards in Dashboard page gets autorefreshed after every 2 mins.
  6. Added description in Device list page.

Bug Fixes

  1. Added better validations for task creation functionality
  2. The compliance details while creating task did not get clear if we change the service after filling all the details. This issue has been fixed now.

3.22.6 13 April 2021

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. https://github.com/madrecha/jamku/milestone/19open in new window

New Device Module

New device module to control which devices has access to login into jamku to your office.

New Client Outstanding Import feature

Facility to bulk update OutstandingUpdate through excel Import.

  1. Visit Data Import page
  2. Select OutstandingUpdate option, and follow the usual data import procedure.

New Shortcut List Module

Manage all your client Shortcut information from one place using Shortcut list.


  1. Now Group View page has a PasswordTab which will show all the passwords of clients belonging to that group.
  2. Now you can move expense from any task and client to any task or client. Click on the pen icon to edit the expense visit the advance section, fill the details and click on Move button to move the expense.
  3. In Attendance page by clicking on the team member name you can visit the Team View page.
  4. Now you can update amount while billing unbilled task in Bill View page.
  5. Added filter on Dashboard -> Currrent Todo card for searching todo.
  6. In Team View -> Dashboard Tab -> User Calendar now you can see the attendance category if it is added, else attendance status P or A can be seen.
  7. In workdone analytics the data has been sorted by default on workdate.
  8. Added client no in Task Costing Edit Template.
  9. By default columns panel in list page table view are now closed.
  10. Better look of ClientCreate and Add/Remove Team Member dialogue box.
  11. Simplified FolderAdd dialogue box.
  12. Added communication symbol in ClientView->ProfilTab.
  13. Restricted future date in Completion Date.
  14. In Dashboard -> Service card service filtering chips has been replaced by button toggles.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed the issue on workdone analytics in which same of the data was truncated when the date range was too large i.e for more than 1 year which resulted in an incomplete report. This issue has been fixed now.
  2. Fixed the issue of Email reports. Now it's working as expected.
  3. While marking/viewing location of user through attendance page. The issue of map being not loaded properly is been fixed now.

3.22.5 1 April 2021

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. https://github.com/madrecha/jamku/milestone/18open in new window

New Integration Data Paths More info

  • Expense List
  • General Categories
  • Attendance Category
  • Document Category


  1. Added TaskName2 and ClientName in BillLines description.This is one time activity if you want task name and client name in bill lines then you have to simply check on these checkboxes before generating Bill Print Lines.
  2. New Keyboard Shortcuts for Tabs Switching in Client View, Task View, Client Group View.
    Hover on the Tab Name to get the keyboard shortcut. More info
  3. Increased workdone description to 200 characters.
  4. Added ServiceCategory in HearingList.
  5. Changed label name from is deleted to deactivate in Stage Master for more consistent UI
  6. Added taskno in Current Todo card on Home page.
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