2021 August

3.25.10 30 August 2021

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed the issue of query is empty while creating task and subtask.
  2. Fixed the issue of task been marked to unbilled even if it was earlier billed. The reason behind this was in some cases while updating any bill related information, the billing status was been sent empty (Import/Bulk update) and due to this the default status was set i.e unbilled.

3.25.10 21 August 2021

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. github.com/madrecha/jamku/milestone/40open in new window


  1. Now you can mark yourself absent using attendance location feature. #754open in new window
  2. Now you can enter negative amount for task expected cost in Task View -> Billing tab. #728open in new window

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed the routing to client view in Expense list
  2. Now Billed View -> Unbilled Expense shows correct data.
  3. Bill No length has been increased to 20 characters while creating/updating bills.
  4. Attendance category list page was not showing deactivated category. This has been fixed now.

3.25.9 15 August 2021

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. github.com/madrecha/jamku/milestone/39open in new window

New Document Template

Now you can define a Template for Document. Template can be added at Service and Task level.

  1. Create templates

Office Config -> Document Template -> Add template

  1. Add at task level

Task View -> Document tab -> Add Document from template and

  1. Add at service level

Service View -> Document tab -> Add Document from template

This will make Document creation

  1. Once you've added template at service level. While creating new task for that service, documents will automatically be added to that task.
  2. If new documents are added to a template, then to add this new documents in already created task.
    1. Visit Task View -> Document tab.
    2. Click on Add document from template button. Select the template.
    3. All the new added documents in the template will be synced at task level.


  1. Added search box in Client View -> Profile tab to filter client profile information. #706open in new window
  2. In bill list, added Outstanding Amount column which shows total outstanding amount for that group. #733open in new window
  3. Added signature field for Office Entity, which to be shown in the bottom while printing bill. #710open in new window
  4. In Task View -> Todo List, now you can sort todos as per sort no or category wise #725open in new window
  5. In Work Done tab of Task View or SubTask View, work done are sorted basis time when it was added #724open in new window
  6. Home -> Current Todo card reloads every 1 Minute if it is visible in viewport. #689open in new window

Bug Fixes

  1. My team report filter in Home -> Current todo is now working as expected. #720open in new window
  2. While marking leave for an employee, if the employee has to mandatorily mark attendance using location, it gave an error. This has been fixed now. #726open in new window
  3. Fixed the issue of Bill no not allowing special characters(-,\) while creating/updating bills through data import feature. #729open in new window

3.25.8 01 August 2021

To view all the feature requests implemented in this version check out GitHub page. github.com/madrecha/jamku/milestone/38open in new window


  1. More 3 text fields are added to custom hearing fields. #713open in new window
  2. Now while copying subtask you can copy subtask team and subtask todos as well. #595open in new window
  3. Now you can update hearing date and hearing reminder date by selecting hearing from Hearing List and clicking on Hearing Date button. #647open in new window
  4. In bill print format, if the amount is 0 for any task description, then the sr no, taxable amt, cgst, sgst will not be seen for that task. #707open in new window
  5. Service filter has been added to Home -> Calendar. Select the service and then click on cloud button. #711open in new window
  6. The legends which you see in Home ->Calendar are now clickable to filter the chips shown in calendar. #711open in new window
  7. The folder number length has been increased from 10 to 15 characters. #712open in new window
  8. If a team member does not have All report permission, then the team member be automatically added to the task so that they will automatically get the permission to view the task #722open in new window
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