Task 📒

Task is the heart ❤️ of Jamku. Think of task as a specific Project/Engagement/Job for a client. Examples of the task are "IT Return filling for 2019 of Mr A", "GSTR3B for October 2019 of ABC Ltd", "PAN Card application of Mr Y".

In rare cases, depending upon office needs a single job may be broken into multiple tasks for better tracking. Scenario: Accounting for a client is done all round the year, but for better management, you may break it into 4 tasks for each quarter or may be even 12 tasks for each month. This splitting is purely based on tracking needs. This splitting will determine the periodicity of the compliance.

All the "things" you do for the client should be created as Task. The task may or may not be billable. This ensures there is no revenue leakage.

Task are of 2 Types.

  1. Regular - Linked to a service
    • Recurring
    • Non Recurring
  2. One Off - Not linked to any service

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Fields in Task

Following information is stored in Task:

  • *Task No 10 Automatically Generated
  • *Task Name 50 Picked from Service Master or User entered Can be edited by Admin
  • *Client No 10 Link to Client Master
  • Task Name 2 100 Additional Information about Task
  • Task Status 1 G,S,C,I
  • Priority Number Highest Priority 1, lowest Priority 5
  • Stuck Reason 200
  • Service ID Number Link to Service Master (NULL for one time task)
  • Compliance ID Number Link to compliance Master
  • Periodicity 1 M,Q,H,Y
  • Period 3 Jan,Feb,...,Dec,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4, H1,H2, 1
  • Year 4 Compliance Year (In case of recurring task) OR Firm's Financial Year (In case of Non recurring task)
  • *Creation Date Date
  • Target Date Date
  • *Due Date Date
  • Completion Date Date
  • Verification Status Yes/No
  • Verified By User Team Member who verified the Task
  • Verification Note 100 Note added by user who verified the task at the time of verification
  • Client Visibility Yes/No
  • Creation Method 1 S(single),B(Bulk),I(Import),A(API)
  • pcenter 20
  • ccenter 20
  • category 20
  • ct DateTime Record Creation Time
  • mt DateTime Record Last Modification Time
  • cby User Record created by
  • mby User Record last modified by

Billing Fields in Task

  • Estimated Hours Number Budgeted Hours to complete task
  • Estimated Amount Number Can be used for many application in tracking task efficiency
  • Billing Private Note 200 Visible to users with Money:Yes permission, Editable by users with Billing:Yes permission
  • Billing Public Note 200 Visible to all users, Editable by users with Billing:Yes permission
  • Billing Status Yes/No/Partly Track billing status of task
  • Billing Date Date Date of last Billing
  • mt DateTime Record Last Modification Time
  • mby User Record last modified by


  1. Number in (eg. 1) indicates number of characters.
  2. * Before the filed name indicates it's a mandatory field.
  3. Task Name will be service name if the task is Regular (aka Linked to a service).
    If task is One Off (aka Not linked to service), then user can manually specify the Task Name.
  4. If Task is Recurring in nature, Compliance ID, Periodicity, Period, Year are mandatory.
  5. To store additional custom information about task check out Task Custom Fields Guide.
  6. To add custom task status check out Label Guide
  7. To add custom note to the task check out Task Notes
  8. To track progress of task check out Todo Guide and Stages Guide
  9. To create subtask under a task (only recommended in case of larger client engagement) check out [Sub Task Guide]

Task lifecycle

Task has two types of lifecycle
A. Task Status
B. Task Billing

Task Status Lifecycle

  1. Task Creation & Assignment to team member
  2. Tracking Progress, stuck due to dependency on client
  3. Task completion
  4. Task verification

Task Life cycle for Status

Task Billing

  1. Unbilled (this is automatically set when task is created)
  2. Billed / Partly billed
  3. Receipt (When money is received from client)

Task Life cycle for Billing

Create Task

To create a task, you first need to create a client. Users having permission TaskCreate:Yes only can create tasks.

View Task

Click on Task Name or Number from anywhere in the Jamku and you will be taken to Task View. Mostly, you will be using Task List to search for a Task and then open (aka View) Task.

Create Tasks in Bulk

Tasks can be created in bulk using "Compliance Dashboard > Non Comp View".

  1. Go to Compliance Dashboard, by default it opens in Comp View.
    Click on the view selector (as denoted by an arrow).

    Compliance Dashboard Non Comp View

    The grey chips against the sevrice names show the count of clients for whom Task is not yet created.

  2. Click on any of the chip
    This will take us to the client list.
    In this example, we have clicked on 4 in June 2020 for GSTR 3B

    In the client list, it will automatically filter the 4 clients.
    Click on Select All (Denoted by Arrow 1)
    Click on Create task (Denoted by Arrow 2)

    Client list for Task creation

  3. On the task creation dialogue, most of the details will already be filled up.
    As you can see, the task name is already filled.
    Simply click Continue. You can optionally enter Task Name 2.

    Task creation 1

  4. Enter due date for the tasks & click Continue.
    Periodicity, Period, Year all already filled up. Optionally enter Target Date

    Task creation 2

  5. Finally click on Start Task. This will create task for all the selected clients.

    Task creation 3

  6. Once the tasks are created, you will be taken Bulk Tracking Page.
    Here, we can check if all the tasks were created successfully. If there is an error, the error message is displayed in Message column

    Task creation success

Delete Task

Users having permission Delete : Yes can delete tasks. Once the task is deleted, it is logged in the deletion logs.

Task cannot be deleted if there exists any of the below records

  1. Work Done
  2. Shortcut
  3. Uploaded File
  4. Completed To-Do
  5. Sub Task

Task Notes

There are 2 types of task notes

  1. System Generated
  2. User Manual entry

Any changes in the below fields will generate task notes

  1. Task Status
  2. Due Date
  3. Target Date
  4. Profit Centre
  5. Verification Status
  6. Team member assigned to Task
  7. Team member unassigned from Task


  1. How to create recurring tasks?open in new window
  2. When to create the recurring tasks?open in new window
  3. View list of unbillable or billable Tasksopen in new window
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