Compliance Dashboard 👀

Compliance Dashboard gives a birds eye view of all the recurring tasks as well as shows which clients the tasks are not yet created.


Compliance Dashboard has 2 views, use toggle on top left to select the view.

Comp Compliance Dashboard View

It shows count of tasks on basis of task status. This is the best way to track and monitor the recurring Tasks


Clicking in the task count takes you to Task List, where you can see all the details about those tasks. Users typically use this report to check what is the stuck reason

Non Comp Non Compliance Dashboard View

It shows count of clients for which tasks are not yet created. This dashboard is mainly used to create tasks in bulk.


Clicking of the client count takes you to Client List, where you can see all the details about those clients. On the client list page, you can select all the clients and in one click create all the tasks.


Filtering Capabilities

  1. Report Filter (only applicable in Comp view)
    • My (Only tasks assigned to you)
    • My Team (Tasks which are assigned to )
  2. Year
  3. Month
  4. Team (only applicable in Comp view)
  5. Client - Category / Profit Centre / Cost Centre


Jamku supports 4 periodicity

  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Half Yearly
  • Yearly

Caveats of Non Compliance client count

Read this ceveats only if your count of clients does not match exactly in the Non Compliance Dashabord.

The non compliance report (aka count of clients for which task is not created) is depended on 2 data

  • Complaince Start Date and End Date
  • Task Period & Year

Now, if you observe carefully, there is no way for the software to connect Compliance's Dates with Task's Period and Year. Hence, we have to rely on a clever trick to bind them together. In Jamku, we use Task's creation date to generate the report. The assumption beding using creation date is that

  • When a task is created in ordinary cource of time, user will enter today's date.
  • When task is created for a pat period, the creaiton date will also be of historic date.
    In fact, to ensure this is followed, we don't allow due date to be before creation date. This requires MasterData Permission.
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