Document 📒

Document Module or most people like to call it as the Inward Outward module allows you too keep a track of documents recieved from or sent to clients.

Document details can be saved at Client, Task, SubTask levels

The module is further branched into 3 parts


This allows user to make an request to a specific client at the above stated levels. When the client logs in to the Jamku Client Portal, all the request that've been made by the firm would be seen by the client. The user can request multiple document's at a time and can also specificize Request category and Document category along with remarks.


After the successful submission of documents from the client by any means the user can change the document status from Request to In, The user can also mention Inward date, Inward category, Document categoryand whether the document is returnable or not to the client.


After the successful submission of documents to the client by any means the user can change the document status from In to Out. The user can also mention Outward date, Outward category.

All the above parts are independent of each other at first. For ex:

  1. In some cases your client can submit the documents before any request is made. So in this the user can directly create an Inward, instead of creating a Request first and marking it In later.
  2. Also at times the firm itself makes some documents which are to be sent to clients based on their tasks requirements. Here the user can directly create an Outward skipping the Request and Inward part.


Document permission(FI)

  1. Yes -> Permission to Add/Update all documents Records
  2. No -> No Permission to Add/Update all documents Records
  3. Self -> Permission to Add/Update documents for assigned Records

Document report filter

  1. My -> Tasks and subtasks documents where you have been assigned as a team member.
  2. My team -> Tasks and subtasks documents where your team members have been assigned.
  3. All -> All documents can be seen.

This requires MasterData Permission.

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