Reminder 👀

Reminder List shows the list of all the reminders created till date. By default the user's incomplete reminders will be shown along with their remind date and due date.


  1. Due date wise sorting can also be done.
  2. Multiple filter options are also available for filtering.
  3. High priority reminders are highlighted in yellow colour.
  4. Can edit/complete/delete the reminder from here itself.
  5. Reminder is shown only to those members who have been added to that reminder. If no one is added it will be shown to all members.

Reminder Filtering

There are many smart filtering capabilties in Reminder List Simply go on adding filtering parameters in Search text field seperated by space. You can enter any of the below things to filter.

  1. Reminder Description
  2. Client Name
  3. Client Group Number and Name

Filter on reminder due dates are available as well. To filter click on the icon on the left side of Search field. This will show a row where you can select any from below listed options to quick filter reminders.

  1. CD (Due Day)
  2. LD (Due Yesterday)
  3. ND (Due Tommorrow)
  4. CW (Due this week)
  5. LW (Due last week)
  6. NW (Due next week)
  7. CM (Due this month)
  8. LM (Due last month)
  9. NM (Due next month)
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