Data Import 👀
Data Import page helps you to import data from spreadsheet (example: Excel) to Jamku.
Most of the import templates (aka Excel File) have 2 columns in common
this is to track the import success and failures. You should enter a unique number in this field. The numbers can start from any number and need not be continuous.datainfo
This column is optional and is used predominantly for tracking which import have successed and failed..
Data which can be imported using Data Import Module in Jamku
Client Create
Inserts new
clients in Client Master. Download template
Client Update
existing data in Client Master. Use Download Template, to download all client data, update the columns which are required to be updated and reupload the template.
Client Group Create
Inserts new
client groups in Client Group Master. Download template
Category Create
Inserts new
clients in Category Master. Download template
This requires MasterData