Training 🖐️

Once your data import is completed, the next step is to take training from Jamku Support Team. Training is conducted in 2 parts.


Please ask all your team members to watch the training videos before attending these training sessions. This will help them in better understanding Jamku during the live training session.

  1. Part 1 YouTube Link in new window
  2. Part 2 YouTube Link in new window

This page lists down topics which will be covered in the respective training sessions.

Training Part 1

Getting started

  1. Login
  2. Password reset
  3. App installation on Desktop
  4. App installation on Mobile
  5. Getting support (Chat)
  1. Global Client Search
  2. Clicking on Links & Numbers
  3. Keyboard Shortcuts

Team Members

  1. Adding Team members
  2. Permission Basics


  1. Categories
  2. Task Labels


  1. Stages
  2. Todo


  1. Client & Client Group
  2. Service Module
    • Stages Tab
    • Compliance Tab
    • Todo Tab
    • Default Team Member Large Office
  3. Compliance Concept
  4. Client List
  5. Client View
    • Dashboard Tab
    • Edit Tab
    • Folder
    • Shortcut
  6. Task Creation
    • One time Tasks
    • Single Task (Non recurring)
    • Single Task (Recurring)
    • Bulk Task Creation (Recurring)
  7. Task View
    • Edit Tab
    • Todo Tab
    • Workdone Tab
    • File Upload
  8. Task List
    • Filtering Capabilities
    • Bulk Actions
    • Adding Workdone
    • Adding Labels
  9. Stages Dashboard
  10. Attendance
    • How to mark Attendance
    • Attendance Page


  1. Daily Dashboard
  2. Home page
  3. Compliance Dashboard


  1. Data which can be imported
  2. Help Docs Link
  3. GitHub for suggestions
  4. How to know changes/updates

Topics not covered by default (1)

Will be covered only if Office asks for this

  • Sub Task
  • Hearing

Training Part 2


  1. Billing Concept
  2. Entity
  3. Client Location (Optional)
  4. Bill Creation
  5. Bill List
  6. Group View > Money Tab
  7. Task Costing
  8. Task View > Billing Tab

Sub Task (Optional)

  1. One by One Creation
  2. Template creation
  3. Adding Todo in Sub Task Template
  4. Sub Task View
  5. Sub Task List

Hearing (Optional)

  1. Hearing Creation
  2. Hearing List
  3. Calendar (Home Page)

Custom Fields

  1. Setting up fields (In Service)
  2. Updating values
  3. Field Dashboard
    • Data entry as Excel File
  4. Task View > Fields Tab

Document, aka Inward Outward (Optional)

  1. Requirement
  2. Inward
  3. Outward


  1. Attendance
  2. Folder
  3. Profile
  4. Password
  5. Reminder
  6. Workdone
    • Pivot Functionality
    • Column Functionality
  7. Stages Dashboard
  8. Task History

Mention Videos

  1. Permission
  2. Workflow
  3. Expense aka Out of Pocket Expense
  4. Send Emails

Topics not covered by default (2)

Covered only if Office asks for these modules

  • Receipt
  • Workflow
  • Permissions Advanced

Schedule Training session

Once data import is completed, Your office's Implementation team will reach out to Jamku Support to schedule Training Part 1.

Last Updated: