Migrating from Jamku 2 🖐️


You can use Jamku 3 and Jamku 2 at the same time. All the data is synced between the 2 versions.


If you wish use Jamku 3 along with Jamku 2 then please read the following warnings


Since Jamku 3 supports timezone, while there is no support for time zone in Jamku 2, there is a difference in the way time is representated.

  1. The data generated using v3 will appear off by 5:30 Hours in v2. Example, Stage marked as completed at 6:00 PM in v3 PM will apear as marked as completed at 1:30 PM in v2.
  2. Similarly, data generated in v2 will appear off by 5:30 Hours in v3. Example, Stage marked as completed at 6:00 PM in v2 PM will apear as marked as completed at 11:30 PM in v3.
  3. Irrecpective of you using v3, in below cases the time in v2 will always appear off
    • Login Logs Time
    • Task Notes Time

Master Name

Jamku 3 Supports any characters (including Imoji 😃 support) for following modules.

  • Client Name
  • Client Group Name
  • Service Name
  • Task Name
  • Task Stage Name

Hence, if you create a record with special characters in Jamku 3, that record will not be editable in Jamku 2.

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